10 Great Ancient Scriptures


India has a rich tradition of spiritual thinkers, writers, and seekers. If one peeks down the ancient history, he will find hundreds of scholars and their scriptures here. Every one of them had tried to jot down his experience of life, applying his mind carefully. This has resulted in marvelous scriptures on many subjects. Let’s … Read more

10 Great Spiritual Leaders

love & life

India has a great tradition of spiritual seekers. In most of the traditions, a lineage between master and disciple is found. All these great men strived hard to seek the ultimate truth. After attaining their goal they freely spread this knowledge to society. Here we discuss 10 great spiritual leaders that found a movement for … Read more

Did Buddha Really Die?

buddha, spiritual, religion

  Knowing about someone’s birth and death is the most interesting part of human curiosity. Hence this question relating to Buddha’s death revolves around millions of curious minds. There is a myth around this incidence. So we will try to find out the answer to this question that, Did Buddha Really Die? Food Poisoning The … Read more

Who is Your Enemy No. 1


Enemy? Honestly speaking, there is no enemy to mankind except himself. And I am sure that this species will endanger itself one day or another with its own acts and omissions. In our lives as individuals, we are confused with our enemies. We are unable to find real ones and hence end up with a … Read more