Love Verse from Bible : 7 Messages

love verse from bible

Love verse from Bible is today’s topic. Love is the basic nature of every creature. This is the foundation of all Religions. Religion is nothing but a system for life. No religion spreads hatred because they are the creation of the sacred love of the Almighty. In this post, we will go through a few love verses from the bible.

Love from the beginning

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. (John 3:11)

In this love verse from Bible, the message of love is given for the whole of mankind. This is a very unique message. It says that this message of love is given and heard from the beginning of the world. Unfortunately, we have forgotten this message. Hence this verse is for re-realizing to the whole mankind about love.   

Universal Brotherhood

We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. (John 3:14)

The tragic journey of the holy Jesus is connected with each of us, with this love verse from Bible. Jesus was crucified and then he came to life again. He shared his last message to his disciples. We all have gone through this journey. We came to life because we love the brethren. It is further said that not observing brotherhood is abiding in death.


Hatred is sin

Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.        (John 3:15)

This love verse from Bible is an extension of the prior verse. But it is a lot different in putting thrust on the concept of love. It underlines the need for staunch observance of brotherhood. It says that one who hates his/her brother is a murderer. Itenies eternal life to such a person. Hatred is said to be the greatest sin on this planet. 

Love in action

My little children let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. (John 3:18)

Love needs to be in action and not only in letters. This love verse from Bible explores the sacred love of the heavenly Father to mankind. All the humans on this planet are children of that heavenly father. Jesus is the most loved one. Through this verse, the heavenly father preaches his children to love in deeds and in reality with every creature.

God is love

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (John 4:8)

Love is the only way to know God. This love verse from Bible defines the nature of God. One who does not love does not know God, because love is the prerequisite for knowing God. This verse clarifies that God is love and love is God. Love and god are not different in any sense. Hence, love and God are immersed in each other.

love verse from bible

Love one another

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (John 4:11)

God is showering love on all of us. He never thinks about the color, caste, creed, or ethnicity of them. He loves all his children equally. But what are we doing in anticipation of this love? Many will answer this question negatively. This love verse from Bible says that we must love one another. Not for the reason that it is our duty, but it is the basic instinct of our soul.

God abides in us

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. (John 4:12)

Who is God? What is his nature? How does he look? All these questions are answered in this love verse from Bible. It says that no one has seen God at any time. If we pour love on each other God itself abides in us. God’s love is filled with our souls. It is perfected in us. Therefore love is the ultimate nature of the soul of every human

Bible, the holy scripture is assigned to Christianity. But it spreads the message of love and humanity. All the religious scriptures spread the same message. This love verse from the Bible contains a great vision, insight, and guideline for the whole of mankind. If each of us can take a drop of it, the whole world will become a place of peace and happiness. The Religion of Love

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